Mom and Dad's real 50th anniversary is today...Lainey said it was a good thing they made it since we already celebrated it..I love dad's red socks
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Janina,Drew and Joanna hanging out in Jo's living quarters...the suites really are sweet! Joanna and Drew are so close that they park in the same parking area...I love having them both so near to each other and sort of close to us
Spencer placed 37th but he likes 3rd or 7th better
Lainey and Shelby after running...I waited until they were smiling to take their was over 100 degrees and they both felt pretty sick so I had to wait quite awhile
Monday, August 21, 2006
I think we will get more
Saturday, August 19, 2006
at the rodeo
Drew trying to get me to put the camera down...its not that I enjoy taking pictures but somebody has to record these moments...This is from our church swim party last sunday
Lainey with her NOC buddies...she is really missing them at school . They went to a rodeo last night. The scratch on Laineys face is from one of Jonathans unexpected attacks when we were in Colorado
The kids and I got a quick education before we frolic through the Florissant fossil bed meadow without a guide. If we had stayed for the rangers lecture she would have told us that "35 million years ago volcanic eruptions buried the valley and petrified the redwood trees that grew there. A lake formed and under it were fossilized thousands of insects and plants."
yeah, right
The group that went on the trail with no guidebook or guide and therefore no knowledge of what they were seeing...oh well they had fun posing.
Friday, August 11, 2006
jenny and lauren
Me and my jo
Jonathan loves to hike!
Lauren succeeds on catching a ride
I like this
Kids break at the top
Jonathan already likes to fish
Grandpa and Jairus
Most of us started the Tues morning early with a Whitewater raft trip...
Matching Shirts...they didn't even plan it
Sign along the highway...Someone was ticked off at the Hotchkisses!
I made everyone wait on the way back while I did a buffalo photo shoot...
Linda with Anna, Jairus and Cephas a couple of hours before Cephas leaves for the hospital with pneumonia